• All images on our website are protected by copyright.
  • It is not allowed to remove images/photos from the website and then use them in any publication or printed matter.
    It is never allowed to change images/photos.
  • Images/photos taken at some events can/may be downloaded by the person appearing on the images/photos. However, only private use is allowed and under no circumstances commercial use.
    Due to portrait rights, you may not download and then use images/photos that do NOT feature you. When detecting infringements or misuse of photos in which third parties appear, the competent services will be notified. Anyone who downloads photos is traceable for these reasons.
  • Were you or someone else in your family photographed at an event and do you no longer wish your photos to be available on our website? Let me know. The affected photos will be removed as soon as possible.
  • General copyright law applies to all works and publications.
  • When establishing infringements, Sofam's rates will be applied.
  • Misuse or use of images of people in commercial works without the permission of the author and the written permission of the people depicted may lead to legal action.

You can read more information about copyright here.

In the website you will certainly find the following buttons: Home - Portfolio - About me - Contact - ...

You get immediate access by clicking the "Portfolio" button. The PhotoServer will open and you will see the screen below.

Intro PhotoStation

Depending on your access rights, you will see a number of photo albums. Click on an album to access...it's self explanatory. Via the button "Information" you can read everything about:

    • How to log in to access your personal photo albums. A Username and Password is required (*)
    • How to mark photos for a download request.
    • All about MyCloud PhotoServer.

(*)  For security reasons, the login details are strictly personal and only 3 attempts are allowed before you get blacklisted.
      The login details are context sensitive, including special characters.

When you move the computer mouse over the image in the gallery and then hold still for a moment, you will see the file name of the image. It's that information I need to know which photo it is.

Intro PhotoStation

A username and password is required to access my personal albums. These include:

  • Photos that are not immediately relevant to the general public.
  • My travels, family photos...
  • Digital versions of my publications.

Use the contact form and don't forget your motivation!

There is a saying: look is allowed, don't touch :-)
That also applies here. Due to privacy and past abuses, I've made the ability to download a bit more difficult.

  • Nevertheless, I am not that difficult in this matter because if you kindly ask for a single photo I will gladly give it to you.
  • If you are interested in more photos, you will have to ask a little more.
  • For specific reasons you can request a download link for full albums.

Gebruik het contact formulier en vergeet vooral niet uw motivatie!

No, I only deliver finished and edited photos in jpeg format.
The editing of the photos is an essential part of my photography style and identity.